The Red Chestnut type is always fretting and worrying that something horrible is going to happen to their loved ones. The doting mother won't let her children make their own mistakes, the friend who is always telling you she's worried about you, they are typical examples. Their presence is smothering and overbearing.
Mostly the fears are unfounded, and Red Chestnut helps them to see that their concern is not warranted.
This is a very useful remedy for empaths who automatically pick up on the fears and concerns of others.
For Empaths:
The Red Chestnut Empath tends to worry too much about others, though. They are always concerned that something bad may happen to a loved one.
The empath is always imagining something bad is going to happen. That they may be in an accident, attacked, meet with bad luck, and so on.
Not only does it put undue pressure on the person they are worrying about (as they will always feel a pull no matter what they are doing), but there is an actual danger of the things that are being worried about manifesting, as that is where the thoughts and energies are directed to. (And enough thought eventually creates and manifests itself.)