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Lack of sleep can add to depression. The more exhausted you become, the more likely you are too fall into a depressed state.

Some people may suffer from a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, and such things can not only cause depression, but cause severe health issues over the long term.

Most people do take sleep for granted. Fact is, though, proper sleep is not always guaranteed. Sleep is the time your body regenerates and your soul gets to take a break.

If you do have a sleeping disorder, or are in a situation where you are sleep deprived for a long time, it will have a profound effect on your emotional state.

Exhaustion will lead to anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies and an overwhelming sense of grief. You might function, but you won't feel alive.

Bach Flower Remedies can provide some relief, but until the cause is treated, they are more of a stop gap.

If you are always feeling tired, it is highly recommended that you have a sleep study done. If such things are treated, it can give you a whole new lease on life.

Bach Flower Remedies:
Oak - When pushed past your limits.
Olive - Long term exhaustion.


I have found diet to have a profound effect on depression.

When I eat certain foods, I find that it can make me feel depressed and sluggish afterwards. Below are my own observations on the subject.

There are a million diet books out there, and lots of information on foods, and what is good for you or not, so I'm not trying to create my own diet plan.

Hopefully the below thoughts are useful to you.

Here are some of the things I've noticed in regards to food.

Avoid junk food.

Avoid confectionery such as diary milk chocolate, or anything that gives you a sugar rush. The spike in blood sugar and drop can really mess with your emotions. If you are susceptible to depression, it can affect you. In regards to chocolate, I've found that eating 85% cocoa and above dark chocolate helps satisfy the chocolate cravings. Your body gets more of what it craves without all the added bad junk.

We tend to eat 'bad' food, or food that taste great, but isn't
healthy, in an attempt to gain pleasure. When we're having a bad day, eating something delicious can make us feel better, at least while we're eating it. Even though I've never touched drugs, I understand that it's similar to getting a high, except with food, the high is very quickly gone.

Little wonder that we eat to make ourselves feel better, especially when we're feeling depressed, or having a bad day, or simply out of boredom.  It doesn't help us, though, with dealing with depression on any meaningful way. It just makes it worse.

Try to eat organic certified foods. It's not what's in it, but rather
what isn't it, such as chemicals.

Nowadays, our fruit and vegetables look perfect. The apples are whole and bright, and our vegetables look picture perfect. But when you eat them, they just don't taste how they should.

An empath will notice, if they choose to do so, that the life force of the fruit is severely diminished. There's an energy that can be smelt, felt and tasted. Today's perfect looking food is lacking this.

Organic food may not look perfect, and the price is certainly higher, but it's better for you, and really, you need less of it as it
contains more of the building blocks that your body needs to repair itself and keep itself in good health.

Avoid an excess of alcohol. Apart from it not being good for health reasons, an empath can become severely depressed by being tipsy or drunk.

It is suggested that a 60% alkaline / 40% acidic balance should be the right balance for PH values.

Drink fresh fruit juice

Drink water with a few drops of lemon squeezed into it.

While I'm not a dietician, I do believe that empaths tend to ingest
the energy of foods they eat. Some foods have no real substance.

Avoid foods that might carry negative energy.
Food does carry its own type of energy. ..

I believe there are at least two energies it carries.
•       It's natural resonance
•       Resonance that has been transferred into it.

Energy will tend to take on an external physical form and what you see is a representation of the energy within. The natural resonance of food is something that typifies the energies that will be passed into our bodies when we eat them.

For instance, chocolate has a high / warm energy but a cloying one and while a bit of it may not hurt, too much may make you sluggish and tired. Too much, and you can get a sugar spike, which can lead to a drop in energy and lead to depression.

An orange has a sharp energy / hot energy.

Rice has a low energy and slightly cloying.

This is what I sense  when I think or look at food. Some things just
don't feel right for the body's current energy need when you run them
past your intuition and some feel just right, though mostly in

An empath is very much susceptible to the energy of things, and this
includes foods. When you eat something, you are ingesting the energy into your body and it becomes part of you.

Eating something that isn't harmonic to you can throw you out of
balance and effect how you feel.

Food that has been touched by others can transfer their emotions or
vibrations into it. That might be anything from fear, anger,
annoyance, tedium, frustration, love, etc, etc. When we eat something, we take those properties into our bodies.

Another factor to consider is how livestock is bred and if fear or
discontentment, etc, has become part of who they were. When we eat these things, we may well be taking those things into our energy
fields. Naturally, you can't avoid everything that might be tainted, but it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea to try and buy things that have been humanely prepared. Also, as you don't know the mood of the person who has prepared your food, it makes it a difficult task to know exactly what you might eat.

However, there is a simple solution which I believe would be most

Before you eat anything, bless your food. If you work out how to
remember to do this, let me know.

Put your hand over whatever you're about to eat and send positive
energy and love to it and ask that all negative energies be  transmuted or replaced. It only need take a few seconds, but it may make a world of difference.

Before you decide what you want to eat, run your mind through the
options and ask yourself if this is going to help you cope or not.
Easier said than done, I know. Sometimes we just need 'comfort' food,but more often than not, we regret it later. We eat things that we don't even feel like or sometimes even really like.

Eat in moderation. Balance is certainly a key here. Also, energies can be in more than one type of food. Perhaps some food may contain something you need and something you shouldn't have, so it's a good idea to search of alternatives.

When stressed or depression, we do tend to eat more and tend to seek out food that is tasty but not good for us,  but it only helps in the moment, and rarely beyond it.
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